Picture of Apostle Crispin Honorary Doctorate Award

This recognition is not just about me; it’s about everyone who has supported me and shared in the vision that God has placed in my heart.

On August 3rd, 2024, I had the great honor of receiving an honorary Doctorate from Revival Bible University. This award is a true blessing from God, and I am deeply grateful for it. The ceremony took place in Nairobi, Kenya, and it was a day filled with joy, gratitude, and the presence of many respected leaders from around the world.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Baraka Muamba, who organized this wonderful event in Nairobi. I’m also deeply grateful to my wife, Jacqueline, who accompanied me and stood by my side throughout this journey. A special thank you to my spiritual son, Boris Chebeya, who took care of us during our time in Nairobi. I also want to appreciate my dear friends Dr. Georges Maloba and Prophet James Magak, along with his wife, for attending the event.

I know I can’t mention everyone by name, but I truly appreciate the support of all who were there. Your presence meant so much to me.

I also want to thank my Church, Shekinah Apostolic Ministries in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and Kigali, Rwanda, for backing me with their prayers. Your support has been a source of strength for me.

Revival Bible University is known for its dedication to teaching and spreading the word of God. They chose to honor me and others who have worked hard to advance God’s Kingdom. This recognition is not just about me; it’s about everyone who has supported me and shared in the vision that God has placed in my heart.

The event was beautifully organized, and the atmosphere was one of celebration and praise. The University’s leaders spoke about the importance of recognizing those who contribute to the spiritual growth and well-being of others. It was humbling to be among such a distinguished group of honorees, and I am truly thankful for this acknowledgment.

Nairobi, a city known for its vibrant spiritual life, was the perfect place for this event. The ceremony was attended by religious leaders, scholars, and dignitaries who have played a big role in shaping the spiritual landscape of Africa. Their presence reminded us all of our shared mission—to see Africa rise and fulfill its God-given purpose.

Receiving this award is a reminder of God’s faithfulness in my life. It’s a milestone that shows how far we’ve come, but it also inspires me to keep moving forward in the work God has called me to do.

I’m happy to share some photos from the ceremony with you. These pictures capture the joy and significance of this special day.

As I look ahead, I am more committed than ever to raising Kingdom-minded leaders, sharing the Gospel, and helping people live according to God’s principles. This honor reminds me that with God, all things are possible, and I give Him all the glory.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. May God bless you all as we continue this journey together.

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